Monday 22 March 2010

What part of all you can eat meat don't you understand?

Hey guys, so i finally found some internet in dodoma, its been pretty sparse as you can imagine! The last few days of riding have been amazing, ther terrain has really changed alot each day which presents new challenges. A quick round-up - on friday we departed from arusha on 110km ride to a bushcamp to the east of lake manyara. This day was my best so far, tarmac all the way, rolling hills and a gentle tail wind. I think i made lunch at like 10:30 or something and into camp before 1 o'clock. Tanzania really is amazing, the scenery and landscape to the side of the road is just breathtaking. The camp site is a bit basic but bearable. Some tanzanian kids come and watch us eat in the evening. Saturday was a 'mando' day - a mandatory day from the riders which means that their ride time has to be included in the final standings - basically its gonna be a tough one. The dirt started 4km from camp and was a mix of dust and rubble, we rode across a flat plain in the morning. Children line the street shouting 'jambo' and 'mzungu!'. Again we are blessed with nice weather and the morning flies past. After lunch I have a big problem, my rear tyre blows out and i discover that the wall of my tyre is torn. I sit by the side of the road waiting for the lunch truck with no clue what to do. A gropu of childeren group around to watch me try in vein to fix the tyre. I tell myself that i don't want to lose EFI (Every fabulous inch) and get on lunch truck for the sake of an inner tube. So i take a risk, i put a new inner tube in the tryre and continue slowly, hoping that it will last the day. 20km later and its looking good. I reach the climb - 1200meters in total for the day - it is very steep to begin with, many twists and endless turns which can make it seem unending. Me and another rider called eric stop for a coke halfway up. Thankfully the rest of the climb is gentle roll across the top of the hill and down the other side. I roll into camp to appllause for making it through my disaster - I bought a new tyre of a guy called tony so I am all good for now. That night we camped on a school football pitch.
Sunday was the hardest day of my life so far - endless endless tough off roads that was a real test. The day started with a climb on tough rocky roads with alot of sand and losse rubble which makes climbing hard. However i find the downhills to be more jarring as my arms ar put under alot of strain from navigating through and taking impact from the rocks. It remains this was until lunch. I expect the afrternoon to be more of a descent, which it is, however this is even harder than before because the road is pilled full of deep sand that is almost impossible to pedal through. It takes alot of energy and endurance to get through this part in the heat, we stop for a coke and then push the last 10km (which lasts a lifetime) into camp. I am completely exhausted but look back on it as a great experience and a preview of things to come.
Today was much, much easier, the roads changed almost instantly and it was mostly flat. However the ride was quite boring because you have to constantly stare at the road to keep your line - also I feel extremely sore from the day before. I go into auto pilot after lunch and simply turn the pedals as I arrive in dodoma into a nice hotel with ICE CREAAAM!!!!

Now i will try to post some pictures...\


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